Digital Eye Strain
“Digital eye strain”, also known as “computer vision syndrome” has become widespread with the more prevalent use of computer screens for many different professions, and our obsession with smartphones. It is also affecting students of all ages since learning is becoming more digital.
Switching between laptops, smartphones, tablets, and television all day leads to eye problems related to screen time.
Bridges Eyecare can evaluate your vision and offer you digital eye strain treatment.
What Are The Symptoms of Digital Eye Strain
Intermittent blurry vision
Double vision
Eye pain
Pressure feeling behind the eyes
Dry eyes
Tired eyes
Sore back or neck
Trouble sleeping
Difficulty Concentration
General fatigue
What Are The Causes Of Digital Eye Strain
Blue light is part of the visible spectrum. Natural sunlight emits a lot of blue light. Previously, we would only be exposed to it during daytime. Now however, our digital devices are emitting this blue light throughout the day and late evenings. Our brain regulates our sleep pattern and circadian rhythm through a hormone called melatonin. Visible light, but most especially blue light decreases the amount of melatonin in our brain (think of how hard it is to fall asleep with the lights on). If your eyes are receiving blue light in the evenings, your brain may have trouble gearing up for night time sleep. This can in the disruption of your circadian rhythm. In turn, you will be more tired during the day and you will have more trouble focusing and concentrating.
Furthermore, when we stare at screens, our blink rate decreases. A normal blink rate is about 15 blinks per minutes. Blinking is important to spread fresh. new tears over the eyes. Without it, the eyes become dry and irritated
Also, eyestrain could be caused by an inadequate eyeglass prescription. If your glasses are slightly too strong, your eyes have to work extra hard. If they are too slightly too weak, everything will be slightly blurry, perhaps so slightly that you do not notice it, but you will start feeling eye pain after a few hours.
Inadequate screen position and brightness also results in computer vision symptoms. A screen that is too high or too low will lead to poor posture. And a screen is too bright or too dim can cause eyes to fatigue faster.
The team at Bridges Eyecare will advise you on various treatments and techniques to apply at home or at work in order to reduce your digital eyestrain symptoms.