Out of Pocket Pricing.
Prices below are for non-insured or out-of-network private pay services. If using medical insurance or a vision plan, please check your plan for your copays, coinsurance and deductibles. Click here for a list of accepted insurances.
New Patient Full Eye Exam
Complete ocular health exam, dilation & refraction.
starting at $100
Eye Emergency
starting at $100
DMV vision form
Includes NYS DMV submission. This service is included in a comprehensive eye exam.
Disposable Soft Contact Lens Evaluations
Prices include fitting, trials, trial orders and follow-ups for a period of 90 days.
New Standard
Sphere soft contact lenses
New Toric
For astigmatism
New Multifocal
For presbyopia
Established patient re-fits
Insertion & Removal Class
One-on-one tutorial for first time wearers. Includes 2 sessions of up to 2 hours each.
Specialty Contact Lens Evaluations
Prices includes fitting, education & training, lenses, and follow-ups for period of 12 months.
New Patient Ortho-Keratology
New Patient Scleral